主要采用生物信息学方法,针对哺乳动物早期胚胎发育和体细胞重编程分子调控机制、信息生物学途径及其关键核酸信号/先锋转录因子功能发挥的序列基础等方面展开大数据计算生物学研究,主要包括数据库开发,多组学生物信息学解析,以及多模态数据的人工智能建模等。以第一(通讯)作者先后在本领域内Briefings in Bioinformatics、Bioinformatics 、Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 等国际SCI学术期刊上发表论文60多篇,成果先后被Nature和PNAS等期刊引用次数1800多次(Google,H=25), 多篇成果入选ESI 1%全球高被引论文,相关生物信息数据分析工具已获批国家发明专利和软件著作权10多项,中国细胞生物学学会功能基因组信息学与系统生物学分会委员,中国计算机学会生物信息学专委会通讯委员等。
联系方式:0471-5227683, Email:yczuo@imu.edu.cn、
(1) 细胞编程与重编程相关多组学数据相关的生物信息学研究:构建完成了不同哺乳动物早期胚胎发育分子信息数据库EmExplorer(Open Biol. 2019; 软著2019SR0463259),建立了细胞命运转变人工智能预测平台(Bioinformatics, 2021 Brief Bioinform. 2021软著2019SR0463259. 被科技日报报道),系统解析了哺乳动物体细胞重编程胚胎基因组激活(ZGA)失败的关键分子和表观障碍(BMC Genomics. 2014; Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2020; Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020; Theriogenology, 2020),完成先锋转录因子竞争性和协同靶向调控细胞重编程的理论生物学描述(Comput Struct Biotechnol J, 2019; Brief Bioinform. 2021),改进了多物种胚胎发育阶段特异性差异基因识别的方法(IEEE Access, 2019; Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2020; ESI 1% 全球高被引论文),基于序列保守性和选择进化压力,解析了去甲基化关键蛋白TET、ALKBH、KDM家族功能发挥的序列基础(Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021, Brief Bioinform. 2019, 2021, ESI 1%全球高被引论文)。
(2) 核酸/蛋白功能发挥的序列和结构基础相关的计算生物学研究:发展了基于DNA空间几何描述参数作为特征建立启动子机器学习预测模型的方法(Prog Biochem Biophys 2009; Physica A 2010; Genomics 2011),将多样性增量算法与K紧邻算法有机结合,先后提出了K 近邻平均多样性增量算法K-MID(Amino Acids 2010)和K 近邻最小多样性增量算法KNN-ID(Amino Acids. 2013; Mol Biosyst. 2015)。针对能否用较少氨基酸类别开展合成生物学蛋白质设计的问题,展开了基于氨基酸约化(Reduced Amino Acids)进行蛋白质功能分类的人工智能建模研究(Peptides. 2009; Plos one, 2015),搭建了蛋白质序列氨基酸约化序列分析与特征提取平台RaacBook(Bioinformatics. 2017,ESI 1% 全球高被引论文, Database, 2019,软著2019SR0467812),开发了利用约化氨基酸字母表可视化蛋白质功能域的分析方法RaacLogo(Brief Bioinform. 2021)和结构生物信息学分析工具RaacFold。
发表论文(#第一(共同)作者, *通讯(共同)作者):
● Baofang Xu, Dongyang Liu, Zerong Wang, Ruixia Tian, Yongchun Zuo*, Multi-substrate Selectivity Based on Key Loops and Non-homologous Domains: New Insight into ALKBH Family, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2021, 78(1):129-141 (2020 IF: 9.261).
● Shiyuan Wang, Qi Zhang, Chunlu Yu, Yiyin Cao, Yongchun Zuo*, Lei Yang*, Immune cell infiltration based signature for prognosis and immunogenomic analysis in breast cancer, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(2):2020-2031. (2020 IF: 11.622)ESI 1%高被引.
● Pengfei Liang, Lei Zheng, Chunshen Long, Wuritu Yang, Lei Yang,*, Yongchun Zuo*, HelPredictor models single-cell transcriptome to predict human embryo lineage allocation, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, btab196, 10.1093/bib/bbab196. (2020 IF: 11.622).
● Hao Wang, Pengfei Liang, Lei Zheng, ChunShen Long, HanShuang Li, Yongchun Zuo*, eHSCPr discriminating the cell identity involved in endothelial to hematopoietic transition. Bioinformatics, 2021 btab071, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab071. (2020 IF: 6.937).
● Hanshuang Li, Chunshen Long, Jinzhu Xiang, Pengfei Liang, Xueling Li*, Yongchun Zuo*, Dppa2/4 as a trigger of signaling pathways to promote zygote genome activation by binding to CG-rich region, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(4):bbaa342. (2020 IF: 11.622).
● Shiyuan Wang, Yuqiang Xiong, Qi Zhang, Dongqing Su, Chunlu Yu, Yiyin Cao, Yi Pan, Qianzi Lu, Yongchun Zuo*, Lei Yang*,Clinical significance and immunogenomic landscape analyses of the immune cell signature based prognostic model for patients with breast cancer, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(4):bbaa311. (2020 IF: 11.622).
● Zerong Wang, Dongyang Liu, Baofang Xu, Ruixia Tian, Yongchun Zuo*, Modular Arrangements of Sequence Motifs Determine the Functional Diversity of KDM Proteins, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(3):bbaa215 (2020 IF: 11.622).
● Lei Zheng, Dongyang Liu, Wuritu Yang, Lei Yang*, Yongchun Zuo*, RaacLogo: a new sequence logo generator by using reduced amino acid clusters, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(3):bbaa096 (2020 IF: 11.622).
● Pengbo Cao, Hanshuang Li, Yongchun Zuo*, Buhe Nashun*, Characterization of DNA Methylation Patterns and Mining of Epigenetic Markers During Genomic Reprogramming in SCNT Embryos, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020, 8, 877. (2019 IF: 5.201).
● Pengfei Liang, WurituYang, XingChen, ChunshenLong, LeiZheng ,HanshuangLi, YongchunZuo*, Machine Learning of Single-cell Transcriptome Highly Identify mRNA Signature by Comparing F-score Selection with Differential Expression Analysis, Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2020, 20:155-163 (2019 IF: 7.032).
● Shiyuan Wang, Yakun Wang, Chunlu Yu, Yiyin Cao, Yao Yu, Yi Pan, Dongqing Su, Qianzi Lu, Wuritu Yang, Yongchun Zuo*, Lei Yang, Characterization of the relationship between FLI1 and immune infiltrate level in tumour immune microenvironment for breast cancer, J Cell Mol Med. 2020 24 (10), 5501-5514. (2019 IF: 4.486).
● Na Ta, Hanshuang Li, Shuai Liu*, Yongchun Zuo*, Mining Key Regulators of Cell Reprogramming and Prediction Research Based on Deep Learning Neural Networks, IEEE Access, 2020, 8:23179 - 23185. (2019 IF: 3.745).
● Hanshuang Li, Mingmin Song, Wuritu Yang, Pengbo, Cao, Lei, Zheng, Yongchun Zuo*, Comparative Analysis of Single-cell Transcriptome Identify Reprogramming Driver Factor for Efficiency Improvement, Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2020, 19, 1053-1064 (2019 IF: 7.032).
● Lei Zheng, Shenghui Huang, Nengjiang, Mu, Haoyue, Zhang, Jiayu Zhang, Yu Chang, Lei Yang*, Yongchun Zuo*, RAACBook: a web server of reduced amino acid alphabet for sequence-dependent inference, Database, 2019, baz131. (2019 IF: 2.593).
● Yang Lei*, Lv Yingli, Wang Shiyuan, Zhang Qi, Pan Y, Su D, Lu Q, Yongchun Zuo*. Identifying FL11 subtype by characterizing tumor immune microenvironment in prostate adenocarcinoma. Genomics. 112 (2020) 1500–1515. (2019 IF: 6.205).
● Jinzhu Xiang, Ying Xing, Chunshen Long, Dongxia Hou, Fang Liu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Zhenyu Lu, Jing Wang, Yongchun Zuo*, Xueling Li*, Fatty acid metabolism as an indicator for the maternal–to–zygotic transition in porcine IVF embryos, revealed by RNA-Sequencing, Theriogenology, 2020, 151:128-136. (2019 IF: 2.094).
● Wen Jin, Qianzhong Li*, Yuan Liu, Yongchun Zuo, Effect of the key histone modifications on the expression of genes related to breast cancer. Genomics 112 (2020) 853–858. (2019 IF: 6.205).
● Yongchun Zuo*, Mingmin Song, Hanshuang Li, Xing Chen, Pengbo, Cao, Lei, Zheng, Guifang Cao*, Analysis of the Epigenetic Signature of Cell Reprogramming by Computational DNA Methylation Profiles,Current Bioinformatics, 2020, 15, 589-599. (2019 IF: 2.068).
● Hanshuang Li, Na Ta, Chunshen Long, Qiutang Zhang, Siyu Li, Shuai Liu, Lei Yang*, Yongchun Zuo*. The spatial binding model of the pioneer factor Oct4 with its target genes during cell reprogramming, Comput Struct Biotechnol J, 2019, 17, 1226-1233. (2018IF: 4.720).
● Yongchun Zuo*, Yu Chang, Shenghui Huang, Lei Zheng, Lei Yang, Guifang Cao*, iDEF-PseRAAC: Identifying the Defensin Peptide by Using Reduced Amino Acid Composition Descriptor, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 2019, 15: 1–9. (2018 IF: 2.203).
● Bosu Hu, Lei zheng, Chunshen Long, Mingmin Song, Tao Li, Lei Yang*, Yongchun Zuo*. EmExplorer:A database for exploring time activation of gene expression in mammalian embryos. Open Biol. 2019, 7:7794-7802. (2018IF: 3.890).
● Shuai Liu*, Mengye Lu, Hanshuang Li, Yongchun Zuo*, Prediction of Gene Expression Patterns with Generalized Linear Regression Model. Frontiers in Genetics, 2019, 10:120. (2017 IF: 4.151).
● Chunshen Long, Wei Li, Pengfei Liang, Shuai Liu, Yongchun Zuo*, Transcriptome Comparisons of Multi-species Identify Differential Genome Activation of Mammals Embryogenesis. 2019, IEEE Access, 2019, 7:7794-7802. (2018 IF: 4.098) ESI 1%高被引.
● Dongqing Su, Qianzi Lu, Qi Zhang, Shiyuan Wang, Yi Pan, Yongchun Zuo*, Lei Yang*, Characterization of human proteins with different subcellular localizations by topological and biological properties. Genomics, 2019, 111(6)1831-1838. (2018 IF: 3.160).
● Yi Pan, Shiyuan Wang, Qi Zhang, Qianzi Lu, Dongqing Su, Yongchun Zuo*, Lei Yang*. Analysis and prediction of animal toxins by various Chou’s pseudo components and reduced amino acid compositions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 462 (2019) 221–229.(2018 IF: 1.875).
● Wen Jin, Qianzhong Li*, Yongchun Zuo, Yanni Cao, Luqiang Zhang, Rui Hou, Wenxia Su, The relationship between DNA methylation in key region and the differential expressions of genes in human breast tumor tissue, DNA and Cell Biology, 2019 38(1) 49-62. (2018 IF: 2.918).
● Qi Zhang, Shiyuan Wang, Yi Pan, Dongqing Su, Qianzi Lu, Yongchun Zuo*, Lei Yang*, Characterization of proteins in different subcellular localizations for Escherichia coli K12, Genomics, 2019, 111 (2019) 1134–1141. (2018 IF: 3.160).
● Liu Dongyang, Li Guangpeng*, Zuo Yongchun*, Function determinants of TET proteins: the arrangements of sequence motifs with specific codes. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2019, 20 (5), 1826-1835. (2018 IF: 9.101) ESI 1%高被引..
● Guangqi Gao Meng Xu Chunling Bai Yulan Yang Guangpeng Li Junyang Xu Zhuying Wei Jiumeng Min Guanghua Su Xianqiang Zhou Jun Guo Yu Hao Guiping Zhang Xukui Yang Xiaomin Xu Randall B Widelitz Cheng-Ming Chuong Chi Zhang Jun Yin* Yongchun Zuo*, Comparative genomics and transcriptomics of Chrysolophus provide insights into the evolution of complex plumage colouration. GigaScience, 2018, 7(10) 1-14. (2017 IF: 7.267).
● Rongsong Luo, Chunling Bai, Lei Yang, Zhong Zheng, Guanghua Su, Guangqi Gao, Zhuying Wei, Yongchun Zuo*, Guangpeng Li*, DNA methylation subpatterns at distinct regulatory regions in human early embryos, Open Biol. 2018, 8: 180131. (2017 IF: 3.286).
● Wang SY, Huo HY, Su DQ, Lu QZ, Chen XW, Yang L*, Zuo YC*, Lv YL*, Characterize the difference between TMPRSS2-ERG and non-TMPRSS2-ERG fusion patients by clinical and biological characteristics in prostate cancer, Gene, 2018 679:186-194. (2017 IF: 2.498).
● Lei Yang*, Shiyuan Wang, Qi Zhang, Yi Pan, Yingli Lv, Xiaowen Chen, Yongchun Zuo* and Dapeng Hao, Clinical significance of immune microenvironment in ovarian cancer patients. Mol. Omics, 2018, 14, 341-351. (2016 IF: 2.781).
● Luqiang Zhang, Qianzhong Li*, Wen Jin, Yongchun Zuo, Shuchun Guo. Genome-wide analysis of H3K36me3 and its regulations to cancer-related genes expression in human cell lines. Biosystems 2018, 171(2018) 59-65, (2017 IF: 1.619).
● Mengye Lu, Shuai Liu*, Arun Kumarsangaiah, Yunpeng Zhou, Zheng Pan, Yongchun Zuo, Nucleosome Positioning with Fractal Entropy Increment of Diversity in Telemedicine. IEEE Access, 2018, 6:33451-33459. (2017 IF: 3.557)
● Zuo YC*, Su GH, Cheng L, Liu K, Feng Y, Wei ZY, Bai CL, Cao GF, Li GP*, Coexpression analysis identifies nuclear reprogramming barriers of somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos, Oncotarget, 2017, 8(39) 65847-65859 (2016 IF: 5.168).
● Huo HY, Li T, Wang SY, Lv YL, Zuo YC*, Yang L*, Prediction of presynaptic and postsynaptic neurotoxins by using Pseudo amino acid composition and motif features, Scientific Reports, 7: 5827 (2016 IF: 4.259).
● Yang L*, Wang SY, Zhou M, Chen XW, Jiang W, Zuo YC*, lv YL, Molecular classification of prostate adenocarcinoma by the integrated somatic mutation profiles and molecular network. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):738. (2016 IF: 4.259).
● Guo SC# , Zuo YC#, Zhang YF, Wu CY, Su WX, Jin W, Yu HF, An YL, Li QZ*. Large-scale transcriptome comparison of sunflower genes responsive to Verticillium dahliae. BMC Genomics. 2017. 18(1):42 (2015 IF: 3.867).
● Zuo YC*, Li Y, Chen YL, Li GP, Yan ZH*, Yang L*. PseKRAAC: A flexible web server for generating pseudo K-tuple reduced amino acids composition. Bioinformatics. 2017, 33(1):122-124 (2016 IF:7.307).ESI 1%高被引.
● Che D, Wang Y, Bai W, Li L, Liu G, Zhang L, Zuo YC, Tao S, Hua J, Liao M*. Dynamic and modular gene regulatory networks drive the development of gametogenesis. Brief Bioinform. 2017 18(4):712-721. (2015 IF: 5.134)
● Zuo YC*, Su GH, Wang SS, Yang L, Liao MZ, Wei ZY, Bai CL, Li GP*. Exploring timing activation of functional pathway based on differential co-expression analysis in preimplantation embryogenesis, Oncotarget, 2016 7(45): 74120-74131. (2014 IF: 6.359).
● Yang L*, Wang SY, Zhou M, Chen XW, Zuo YC*, Lv YL. Characterize the relationship between essential and TATA-containing genes for S. cerevisiae by network topologies in the perturbation sensitivity network. Genomics, 2016 108(3-4) 177-183. (2015 IF: 2.386).
● Yang L*, Wang SY, Zhou M, Chen XW, Zuo YC, Lv YL*. Characterization of BioPlex network by topological properties. J Theor Biol. 2016 409:148-154. (2015 IF: 2.049).
● Su WX, Li QZ*, Zhang LQ, Fan GL, Wu CY, Yan ZH, Zuo YC. Gene expression classification using epigenetic features and DNA sequence composition in the human embryonic stem cell line H1. Gene. 2016, 592(1):227–234 (2015 IF: 2.319)
● Zhang L, Xuan H, Zuo YC, Xu G, Wang P, Song Y, Zhang SH*. Topological characteristics of target genes regulated by abiotic-stress-responsible miRNAs in a rice interactome network. Funct Integr Genomics. 2016 16(3):243-51. (2015 IF: 2.265 )
● Jia X, Sun C, Zuo YC, Li G, Li G, Ren L, Chen G*. Integrating transcriptomics and metabolomics to characterise the response of Astragalus membranaceus Bge. var. mongolicus (Bge.) to progressive drought stress. BMC Genomics. 2016 17:188. (2014 IF: 3.986)
● Yang L*, Wang S, Zhou M, Chen X, Zuo YC, Sun D, Lv Y*.Comparative analysis of housekeepingand tissue-selective genes in Human based on network topologies andbiological properties. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2016 291(3):1227-41 (2014 IF: 2.728)
● Su WX, Li QZ*, Zuo YC, Zhang LQ. Association analysis between the distributions of histone modifications and gene expression in the human embryonic stem cell. Gene, 2016 575(1):90-100. (2014 IF: 2.019)
● Zuo YC*, Lv Y, Wei Z, Yang L, Li G, Fan G*. iDPF-PseRAAAC : A web-server for identifying the defensin peptide family and subfamily using pseudo reduced amino acid alphabet composition. PLOS ONE, 2015 Dec 29;10(12):e0145541. (2014 IF: 3.234).
● Tai, DP, Liu, PX, Gao, J, Jin, MZ, Xu, T, Zuo, YC, Liang, H, Liu, DJ*. Generation of Arbas Cashmere Goat Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Through Fibroblast Reprogramming. Cellular Reprogramming, 2015 17(4): 297-305. (2014 IF: 1.788).
● Yang L, Hao D, Wang J, Xing X, Lv Y, Zuo YC*, Jiang W*. Characterization of proteins in S. cerevisiae with subcellular localizations Molecular BioSystems, 2015, 11(5), 1360-9. (2014 IF: 3.210).
● Zuo YC*, Su WX, Zhang SH, Wang SS, Wu CY, Yang L*, Li GP*. Discrimination of membrane transporter protein types using K-nearest neighbor method derived from similarity distance of total diversity measure. Molecular BioSystems,2015 11(3):950-7. (2014 IF: 3.210).
● Yang L, Hao D, Lv Y, Zuo YC*, Jiang W*. Genome-wide characterization of essential, toxicity-modulating and nophenotype genes in S. cerevisiae, GENE, 2015 559(1):1-8. (2014 IF: 2.019)
● Zuo YC, Gao Y, Su G, Bai C, Wei Z, Liu K, Li Q, Bou S*, Li GP.* Irregular transcriptome reprogramming probably causes thec developmental failure of embryos produced by interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer between the Przewalski's gazelle and the bovine. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15:1113. (2013 IF: 4.041).
● Yang L, Wang J, Lv Y, Hao D, Zuo YC, Li X*, Jiang W*. Characterization of TATA-containing genes and TATA-less genes in S. cerevisiae by network topologies and biological properties. Genomics. 2014 104(6B):562-71. (2013 IF: 2.793).
● Yang L, Wang J, Wang H, Lv Y, Zuo YC, Li X*, Jiang W*. Analysis and identification of essential genes in humans using topological properties and biological information Gene. 2014, 349:82-91. (2013 IF: 2.082).
● Fan GL*, Liu YL, Zuo YC*, Mei HX, Rang Y, Hou BY, Zhao Y. acACS: Improving the Prediction Accuracy of Protein Subcellular Locations and Protein Classification by Incorporating the Average Chemical Shifts Composition. The Scientific World Journal. 2014:864135, 1-9. (2013 IF: 1.73).
● Zuo YC*, Peng Y, Liu L, Chen W, Yang L, Fan GL. Predicting peroxidase subcellular location by hybridizing different descriptors of Chou' pseudo amino acid patterns. Anal Biochem. 2014 458:14-9. (2013 IF: 2.305).
● Yang L, Lv Y, Li T, Zuo YC*, Jiang W. Human proteins characterization with subcellular localizations. J Theor Biol. 2014 358C:61-73. (2013 IF: 2.303).
● Yang L, Wang J, Wang H, Lv Y, Zuo YC*, Jiang W*. Characterization of essential genes by topological properties in the perturbation sensitivity network. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 448(4):473-9. (2008 IF: 2.281).
● Zuo YC*, Zhang P, Liu L, Li T, Peng Y, Li G, Li QZ*. Sequence-specific flexibility organization of splicing flanking sequence and prediction of splice sites in the human genome. Chromosome Research ,2014 22(3):321-34. (2013 IF: 2.688).
● Huang X, Han X, Uyunbilig B, Zhang M, Duo S, Zuo YC, Zhao Y, Yun T, Tai D, Wang C, Li J, Li XL*, Li RF*. Establishment of Bovine Trophoblast Stem-Like Cells from In Vitro-Produced Blastocyst-Stage Embryos Using Two Inhibitors. Stem Cells Dev. 2014 23(13):1501-14. (2013 IF: 4.202).
● Feng P, Lin H*, Chen W*, Zuo YC, Predicting the types of J-proteins using clustered amino acids. BioMed Research International,2014, 935719. (2014 IF: 1.579).
● Yang L, Wang J, Wang H, Lv Y, Zuo YC*, Jiang W*. Analysis and identification of toxin targets by topological properties in protein–protein interaction network, Journal of Theoretical Biologys, 2014 349(2014)82–91. (2013 IF: 2.303)
● Liu L, Li QZ*, Lin H, Zuo YC. The effect of regions flanking target site on siRNA potency. Genomics 2013 102(4) 215-222. (2012 IF: 3.010).
● Fan GL, Li QZ*, Zuo YC. Predicting acidic and alkaline enzymes by incorporating the average chemical shift and gene ontology informations into the general form of Chou's PseAAC. Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 1048–1053. (2012 IF: 2.414).
● Li T, Li QZ*, Liu S, Fan GL, Zuo YC, Peng Y. PreDNA: accurate prediction of DNA-binding sites in proteins by integrating sequence and geometric structure information, Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(6):678-85. (2012 IF: 5.323).
● Zuo YC*, Chen W, Fan GL, Li QZ. A similarity distance of diversity measure for discriminating mesophilic and thermophilic proteins. Amino Acids. 2013,44(2):573-80. (2012 IF: 3.914)
● Zuo YC*, Li QZ. The DNA geometric flexibility of promoter in model organism genomes, Procedia 2012 (2011)2732–2737. (EI, ISTP).
● Zuo YC, Li QZ*. Identification of TATA and TATA-less promoters in plant genomes by integrating diversity measure, GC-Skew and DNA geometric flexibility. 2011 Genomics. 97(3): 112-120. (2010 IF: 3.327).
● Zuo YC, Li QZ*. The hidden physical codes for modulating the prokaryotic transcription initiation. 2010 Physica A 2010 389(19) 4217–4223. (2009 IF: 1.562).
● Zuo YC, Li QZ*. Using K-minimum increment of diversity to predict secretory proteins of malaria parasite based on groupings of amino acids. 2010, Amino Acids. 2010(3) 38:859–867. (2008 IF: 4.132).
● Zuo YC, Li QZ*. Analysis of plant TATA and TATA-less promoters by using sequence and structure features. 2009,Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics. 36(7): 863-871. (2008 IF: 0.211).
● Zuo YC, Li QZ*. Using reduced amino acid composition to predict defensin family and subfamily: Integrating similarity measure and structural alphabet. 2009, Peptides. 30(10) 1788–1793. (2008 IF: 2.565).